Artist Exchange & Collaboration Experiments.

The main intention of The Triangle Project is to create relationships, collaborations, interaction, exchange, awareness and new perspectives between creatures all over the universe. However most of the time between Copenhagen, Istanbul and New York.
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Dj Hugo Chavez & Vj Ahmedinejad are new multimedia project from Tehran,Istanbul, Caracas (first performance was on 17 th August 2006 Berlin) and investigates culturalistic clices and their effects on the economical and political situation of individuals; "Against the Walls and Against the Bridges" in there.

Dj Hugo Chavez & Vj Ahmedinejad Project focuses on media literacy, the
role of advertising and corporate power in our lives, intellectual property
issues and the evolution of art, law and resistance in a media-saturated
multi-national world and deconstructs Turkish films from the 60s and 70s and
the Ethnic Market and East-West gateway clich..s about Istanbul and Project
creates ANTI-CITY MYTHS and bizarre new forms similar to the kaleidoscope
effect with Middle Eastern Uranium and South American's Bolivar

Dj Hugo Chavez & Vj Ahmedinejad are played "MyTube & YouSpace" audiovisual performance in "Wizard Of OS 4 Information Freedom Rules International Conference" in Berlin /Tesla - Podewil Theatre in September 06 and performed "NO Exotic, Gegen die Bridge" Audiovisual Performance on 14th December 06 in Vooruit Festival/Gent Belgium and DJ Hugo Chavez & VJ Ahmedinejad played mixed media live performance in Florance Fabbrica Europa Festival on 11th May 07/Italy.

Dj Hugo Chavez Vj Ahmedinejad / Middle Eastern Bolivaranium Sound System

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