Artist Exchange & Collaboration Experiments.

The main intention of The Triangle Project is to create relationships, collaborations, interaction, exchange, awareness and new perspectives between creatures all over the universe. However most of the time between Copenhagen, Istanbul and New York.
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Mille Kalsmose - Outroperspective

WAS-Wonderland Art Space præsenterer ’Outrospective’ – en
soloudstlling med Mille Kalsmose.

Fernisering: Torsdag 12. Februar 2009 kl. 17-22
Udstillingsperiode: 12.02.09 – 02.03.09

Mille Kalsmose har udstillet på kunstmuseer, kunsthaller og gallerier i Istanbul, New York, Barcelona, Budapest, Kanagawa i Japan, og blot i år har man kunne opleve hendes værker i Berlin, New York, Eivissa og Bratislava.
Det går med andre ord rigtig stærkt for den unge og talentfulde kunstner på den internationale kunstscene. Nu har Mille Kalsmose for første gang et solo show herhjemme, hvor hun kan opleves med udstillingen Outrospective i Wonderland Art Space.

Mille had the part of "Angel" in the film "Red's Pyramid" as part of The Triangle Project Part 3 in New York. Part of the "Outroperspective" project was installed at the Karsi Sanat exhibition in Istanbul called "Fill in Blank Space". She also exhibited her daring to fly installation (above photo) at the "Grounded - Was Man Meant to Fly Exhibition" show at ABC No Rio.

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