Artist Exchange & Collaboration Experiments.

The main intention of The Triangle Project is to create relationships, collaborations, interaction, exchange, awareness and new perspectives between creatures all over the universe. However most of the time between Copenhagen, Istanbul and New York.
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The first meeting took place on sunday june 17th. Present was Jacob Fuglsang, Tania Schlander, Levent Bøilerhauge and Åsmund Boye Kverneland. The aim of the meeting was to define the format of the project's precence at the Istanbul Biennale, and to map out strategies towards sponsors and participating artists.

The Triangle Project will be using the church location (The Hall) as a combined performance/exhibition space and a headquarter during the Istanbul Biennale, making it a centerpoint for all activities of the project. The Hall will mostly be used as an active performance/exhibition space, but will possbily also include a "peoples kitchen", as well as an overview over all collateral events outside the space.

The sponsor(s) should be offered to use all of the documentation material gathered during the Biennale, but should not expect to get their heavily exposed i.e. logos on clothes etc. Credits in official material (program, press kit, project descriptions) will be acceptable.

The artists will be encouraged to look for turkish counterparts in their activities, with an aim for further collaboration when the turkish artists in their turn will be invited to Copenhagen, and further that both Copenhagen and Istabul artists go to New York City to present a common project.

This post is completely my own recap of the meeting, and is not to be seen as an official statement from the Triangle Project board.

This project is very, very exiting.

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